
I must make a confession, the fact that I was going to write this post slipped my mind until… well… 5 minutes ago.

My day has been hectic, and having come home to feed a family and spend time with my husband, took every ounce of energy and concentration I have left. Yet… I will make a stab at this.

We bloggers – women’s health, migraine, infertility – must stand united. Our postings and interactions on Facebook and Twitter should reflect a mission of inclusion and honesty. We should strive to help and encourage one another.

Bonding – whether in person, on-line, or on the phone – helps chronic illness sufferers cope with their illness. As I often say, we are stronger together. No one understands our pain better than those who experience the same symptoms. Those who have  gone before are excellent people to know. I have gotten e-mails and comments from women who worry they are alone. They isolated in their pain. And we chronic illness women have felt this way at some point in our illness progression. Whether it’s at diagnosis or during relapses, we are bound to wonder “does anyone else know what I’m feeling?”

Bloggers who spread love and friendship through their writings; who pour out their hearts and souls in an effort to make someone else feel a little less alone, are to be applauded. There are many women who fit this description, and some of them have made it into my blogroll.

Remember that what goes around comes around. Spread love and you will receive love. But if you spread hate, you will receive nothing but what you send out.

8 responses to “#lovebeatshate

  1. Endochick,

    I know that you are unbelievably busy with graduate school and so much more… and I’m honestly amazed that you managed to find time to post anything today at all.

    You have been such an unbelievable support to me. You may never truly know how much encouragement and inspiration you have given me.

    The theme you touched on (“does anyone know what I’m feeling?”) has been a common thread running through so many of today’s posts for “Love Beats Hate”. It’s such a common feeling for a chronic illness patient to have… *until* he/she meets others who “get it”.

    The online community can be such a profound source of support!

    Thank you for being a remarkable friend!!!


  2. Hi,
    I’ve been reading your e-mails for a short while now. Thank you for sharing your stories. I have stage 4 Endo. I have had it since I was 14, a couple of decades now!
    I wanted to share two articles I wrote on CNN’s ireport.



    I absolutely understand what you’re going through!!!
    Thanks 😉

  3. Hello, my post is a whole day late, so I am impressed you got one in on time after a hectic day, well done! I often receive emails and messages from people who have suffered for years with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (my lovely burden) and have never even spoken to another sufferer. The value of online communities is huge! I am so glad this day was organised for us to celebrate that 🙂

  4. my women's health blog

    Just wanted to thank you for this great article; this is the thing that keeps me encouraged through my day. I have been searching around for these posts under recommendation from a colleague and was pleased after I found it after searching for a while. Obviously, being a blogger myself, I’m glad to see others taking initiative and contributing to the community. Just wanted to show my gratitude for your work as it’s very encouraging, and many writers don’t get the recognition they deserve. I know I’ll come back to read more and will refer some of my friends here.

  5. So true! We are stronger together. Love Beats Hate was such a beautiful, positive example of that strength.

    Hope you are doing well.

  6. Finally getting to read all the great posts. Yes we ARE stronger together!!!

  7. Every little bit of love really does help, especially in a world where people hardly even smile at each other in public any more! Its always nice to know there is a world of support out there.

    Masina Wright ND

  8. Pingback: Do You Have Questions About Tomorrow’s Love Beats Hate Event? — ChronicHealing.com

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